One of the ways to celebrate Christmas and to make the waiting for it more fun is decorating our houses, rooms, yards and even workplaces with lights, garlands, and of course, the Christmas tree.
But sometimes we get bored of the traditional decorations, especially when we do the same thing every year. It takes just a little bit of creativity to make them a little different and bring joy to the festive season.
Bored Panda is fascinated with people who can come up with different ways to do the same old things and went to the internet to find the most out-of-the-box decorations to both admire them and get inspired.
#1 My Husband And I Always Try To Find The One Tree We Think No One Will Take Home. This Year Our 14’ Tree Has A 12” Gap At The Top. Complete With Mini Lumberjack Mouse

Image credits: wsb3237
Christmas in the Christian tradition is the birthday of Jesus and that is why it is celebrated. But as many other seemingly Christian festivities this one also has its roots in the times before Jesus was born and was just adapted to make more people join the new religion.
Researchers often associate Christmas with the winter solstice when the North Pole is tilted farthest away from the Sun or the Roman festival Saturnalia dedicated to the Roman agricultural deity Saturn.
#2 Every Holiday Season My Dad Displays This Santa I Made In Elementary School. I’m 45

Image credits: lateralus1075
#3 Cool Christmas Setup My Dad Built For My Step Mom

Image credits: Snickle_Frittz99
And it is very possible that the tradition of hanging up decorations during the darkest and coldest period of winter comes from the same Saturnalia festival. Many of their decorations were natural and involved greenery. They were hung over doorways or windows. Often the ornaments had sun symbols on them, stars and faces of the God Janus.
Actually, food was also part of the decorations. Gilded cakes in different shapes, like the sun, moon, stars or animal shapes.
#4 My Kind Of Christmas Tree

Image credits: Browndog888
#5 Christmas Tree Created From Local Sea Glass

Image credits: TheSacredEarth
#6 Rate My GF's And My Christmas Decor This Year

Image credits: GeekyPeeky
If you’re wondering where the tradition of decorating Christmas trees came from, you may be surprised to know that it’s actually a quite recent custom. Different sources give a different date and place but it is around the 16th century during the Renaissance. One of the written records of a decorated Christmas Tree dates from 1510 and it was put up in Riga, Latvia. Others contribute the start of the tradition to Germans a little bit later in the 16th century.
#7 This Is Wholesome

Image credits: jayhillary
#8 My Boyfriend Told Me I Had To Come Home Late Last Night. Surprised Me With This

Image credits: 4b3ats
#9 My Aunt Propagated Some Succulents And Turned Them Into A Christmas Tree

Image credits: uncanny_goat
Whatever the origins of the decorations were, now they are very different from what they used to be and they actually have different significance. For example, the star on the top of the Christmas tree symbolizes the star of Bethlehem which led the three Kings to Jesus when he was born.
The wreath which many people hang on their front door or put as a centerpiece on the table is often said to represent the crown of thorns that Jesus wore when he was crucified.
Christmas is also unimaginable without lights which represent the stars in the sky. The bells are often associated with the shepherd who would ring the bell to call their sheep back. Talking about shepherds, their stick with a rounded end used to guide the sheep took form as candy canes in modern days.
#10 Christmas Freak. Grinch Tree

Image credits: Puzzleheaded_Bat7297
#11 My Friend Was Trying To Take A Photo Of Her New 2D Christmas Tree When Her Kitty Decided To Jump In And Become The Star

Image credits: hissyfit
#12 Christmas Tree On A Corner

Image credits: forsto
Sometimes it may seem that the winter holidays are quite meaningless and full of rushing and all these chores that must be done, like decorating the house, but often they stem from something deeper and significant.
Do you celebrate Christmas? If so, what are your go-to decorations? We would also love to know which ones of the decorations you liked the most from this list. Let us know by upvoting them and commenting!
#13 I Made A Stained Glass Nightmare Before Christmas Window

Image credits: olwenglass
#14 At 35-Years-Old, I Finally Have A Christmas Tree Of My Very Own

Image credits: FarmerHandsome
#15 Christmas Lights And A Sleeping Furball

Image credits: Xilona
#16 This Wins Best Christmas Decoration

Image credits: Cax6ton
#17 A Dad Took Four Months Planning And Building This Tardis For His Kid’s Bedroom Door For Christmas

Image credits: BissoumaTequila
#18 My Dad Decided Normal Christmas Trees Are Too Boring

Image credits: trsturbo
#19 This Year I Decided To Not Buy An $80 Christmas Tree But Instead Made My Own From Branches. I Miss The Smell Of A Real Tree But They Only Last For 2 Weeks Anyway

Image credits: ban5h3e
#20 My Nightmare Before Christmas Tree

Image credits: citygirl44
#21 My Husband And I Didn't Put Up A Tree This Year, The First Time In 52 Years. As Gifts Came In I Realized That We Were Putting Them Around The Cat Tree So We Decorated It
We have a Christmas tree after all. And Milly is our topper

Image credits: skipnina
#22 Just Need To Find/Make A Topper And It’s Done

Image credits: badgalkiki
#23 LEGO Wreath - 3D Printed For The Holidays

Image credits: A_MajesticMoose
#24 When You Really Are Excited For Christmas But Aren't Ready To Give Up Halloween Just Yet

Image credits: imflukeskywalker
#25 I'm No Longer Allowed To Help With The Xmas Decorations

Image credits: drdalebrant
#26 Our Christmas Tree This Year. We Made All The Ornaments As Well

Image credits: couchpotatolady
#27 Decorations In The Office Are Up

Image credits: MartinMucklowe
#28 I Made Some Ornaments To Commemorate 2020

Image credits: Tgclark
#29 This Christmas Tree Made Of Latex Gloves In My Laboratory

Image credits: pine_apple_pizza
#30 Awesome, Creative Idea For A Christmas Tree, Right?

Image credits: TheSceneVault
#31 I Made A Christmas Tree Topper Of The Orion Spacecraft Orbiting The Moon

Image credits: raptorattackmzk
#32 Biblical Christmas Tree Angel

Image credits: willyouquitit
#33 My Daughter Made This Ornament For Our Christmas Tree

Image credits: stevewallen
#34 My Girlfriend And I Have A Tiny Apartment So We Made A Decorative Danny Instead Of A Christmas Tree

Image credits: Grey_faukes
#35 It's Neat

Image credits: PRADAXBBY